Maybe it's not my place to say, but...

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TheCupcake-Queen's avatar
Okay, so I'm going to start this journal off by saying this: I don't know the whole situation, so please take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. But also be aware that I am not trying to pick sides, nor am I being biased.

I see now that shipping is a pretty big issue in this community. Maybe it's kind of hard for me to understand why because A) I only have two ships, and they're with people who I consider to be close friends, and B) this is the first community I've ever shipped in. Sometimes it's kind of hard for me to understand what the fuss is about, but of course that doesn't make it any less valid! After all, just because I don't understand it, that doesn't mean it's not something worth discussing and/or getting heated over.

But I saw some behavior today that I thought was...not necessarily bad, but just kind of uncalled for? I'm sure it's justified, but I think we all have to get to a point where we must step back and think about what we're doing or saying, and how our actions may be affecting others.

For example, I know that by posting this journal I may draw the disfavor of a certain few individuals (especially considering that me typing this whole journal technically is making me a hypocrite -- and you will see why shortly), and that makes me sad. I don't want to make anyone upset, and I don't necessarily disprove anyone's actions or words. Everyone has a right to express themselves in any manner they see fit, so long as harm is not being brought to others. Can we agree on that? Okay, cool~

Journals on dA have become a powerful tool. If you have a title that draws interest, it's most likely going to be read by a certain amount of people. And...perhaps the people that read it don't necessarily get a clear picture of what's going on and...they may "choose sides" depending on a few factors. Like...who's journal did they see first? How "popular" is said person? Is this person their close friend? A lot of things can affect the opinion of people who read our journals here on dA.

Having said that, I think we're all guilty of a few passive-aggressive journals from time to time. Sometimes someone pisses you off and you just want to talk about it, but maybe you don't want to talk to the person directly. A good majority of us have probably done this in the past. Hell, I've done it plenty of times, but that doesn't mean it's something I encourage. Thing is, it takes time for our emotions to "calm down." We're all just humans. We have emotions and we need to express them. Personally, I don't speak out against or for something/someone unless I feel that I absolutely have to. This is a personal choice, of course, and not everyone is going to do it this way! I understand that.

But the thing that kind of felt...a bit off about the journals today is that I saw several of them. And they were all "targeted" (using that word very loosely here) and the same individual. And frankly, I don't think that's fair.

It's easy for us to forget that beyond these characters there is a real person behind the computer screen. And often there are quick "he started it"s or "I can make a journal about whatever I want"! Fair enough. Like I said, I understand and I agree. You are allowed to express your emotions as freely as you see fit. However, I would like to use the old adage "Two wrongs don't make a right."

You, as an individual (and I'm speaking to anyone who reads this), hold a great deal of power, whether you realize it or not. And you also have a wealth of choices before you. You have the choice to contribute to the situation (which I have been trying my hardest to avoid, but I feel like I must say something now), and you have the choice to step back and let the pieces fall where they may.

My suggestion (whether or not you choose to consider it or not is entirely up to you, of course), is that if you feel the need to express your opinions on a do so in a comment or a note, rather than feeding the fire and making another journal. Because when two or three people make journals in regards to the same person, there are going to be comments. And with allllllll of those comments combined, it probably makes said person feel...well...overwhelmed to say the least. And I hate to see anyone backed into a corner no matter the circumstances.

My final thought is that we're all humans, okay? So be gentle, be kind, and try to be understanding. At the end of the day, we're all just trying to help each other through this mess we call life.

Be sweet to each other, okay? You are all such amazing and talented people, and it hurts me to see anyone fighting. :heart:

~Admin LM

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askAstroZombie's avatar
i don't want to draw too much from your words, but i sure appreciate your message here.
thank you for delegating the situation so well, sorry for saying so so late, but i am aware of the situation you are regarding and you certianly have a favorable perspective. 
to be honest i am pretty wary of others here and for similar reasons to this ;--;//